Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) serves as a preferred method for providing nutrition and nutritional support to patients who require long-term enteral feeding and have a functioning gastrointestinal tract. PEG offers better access to the gastrointestinal tract than surgical alternatives and has well-documented benefits over parenteral nutrition. Given that PEG tube insertion is among the most common endoscopic procedures globally, a thorough understanding of its indications and contraindications is vital in modern medicine.
While PEG is generally seen as a safe intervention, it carries risks for both minor and major complications, which can arise from endoscopic technical challenges, issues during the PEG procedure, or from prolonged PEG tube usage and wound care.
Our case report details an unusual complication of PEG, where the catheter tube penetrated the omentum majus, leading to pneumoperitoneum due to blockage in the catheter’s tract development, followed by the patient’s subsequent treatment. Awareness of such potential complications and knowledge of proper catheter maintenance can enhance the standard of care for patients with PEG tubes.