Urachal anomalies are the result of failure of obliteration of the allantois, which connects the bladder to the umbilicus. These anomalies are usually divided into 5 distinct variants based on the site of residual patency across the urachus. Most often, patients present with umbilical discharge, abdominal pain, or recurrent urinary tract infection. The basic investigation tool for diagnosing a case of a urachal remnant is ultrasonography. The traditional approach for treatment of urachal anomalies is open excision. However, the trend has started to shift toward a laparoscopic approach, which has a promising future for dealing with urachal anomalies. Presently described is a case of symptomatic urachal sinus in a female teenager that was dealt with effectively using a laparoscopic approach at a secondary care hospital.
Keywords: Laparoscopy, minimally invasive; urachal anomalies; urachal sinus; urachus.