E-ISSN 2587-0610
Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgical Science (LESS) - Laparosc Endosc Surg Sci : 27 (1)
Volume: 27  Issue: 1 - 2020
1. Risk factors for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: Evidence from 810 cases
Bahtiyar Muhammedoğlu
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.16046  Pages 1 - 8

2. Evaluating the laparoscopic approach to proximally located benign gastric tumors
Engin Hatipoğlu, Mehmet Sabri Ergüney, Metin Ertem
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.01488  Pages 9 - 15

3. Comparison of laparoscopic cystectomy and purse-string suture technique in the surgical treatment of ovarian dermoid cysts
Remzi Atilgan, Şehmus Pala
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.09326  Pages 16 - 20

4. The short-term effects of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on hematological parameters
Fatih Can Karaca
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.48379  Pages 21 - 24

5. Gall bladder stone formation in the postoperative first year after sleeve gastrectomy
Mehmet Buğra Bozan
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.37880  Pages 25 - 29

6. The importance of the structure of pylorus in the success of the gastric botulinum toxin injections
Murat Kanlıöz, Uğur Ekici, Faik Tatlı, Turgay Karataş
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.94557  Pages 30 - 33

7. Laparoscopic treatment of morgagni hernia: Two case reports
Emrah Akın, Fatih Altıntoprak, Muhammet Burak Kamburoğlu, Metin Ertem, Fehmi Çelebi
doi: 10.14744/less.2020.32154  Pages 34 - 36

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