1. | Our Experiences in Videoendoscopic Hernia Repair: Retrospective Analysis Of 547 Cases Between 1993- 2002 Şerafettin Özer, Ahmet Ögüt, Metin Güney Pages 5 - 12 INTRODUCTION: Our Experiences in Videoendoscopic Hernia Repair: Retrospective Analysis Of 547 Cases Between 1993- 2002 Objective: Minimally invasive surgery gaining popularity parallel to the advancing technology. Improvements of in the skills of the high technological instruments, increasing experiences of the surgeons makes videoendoscopic surgery previous surgical treatment option. We operated 547 patients for hernia repair via videoendoscopic route between 1993-2002 in Kasımpasa Naval Hospital. Especially on the last 100 cases we made a big improvement for lowering the cost of the videoendoscopic surgery which is the main disadvantage of this technique. Decreasing complication rates, surgical comfort for both patient and surgeon is the most importent sides of this surgery depending on the increasing experience of our clinic. In our opinion videoendoscopic hernia repair must be the first treatment option with decreasing cost. METHODS: RESULTS: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: |
2. | Systemic Effects Of Pneumoperitoneum In Laparoscopic Surgery Coşkun Polat, Sezgin Yılmaz, Gökhan Akbulut, Demet Erol Doğan, Yüksel Arıkan, Osman Nuri Dilek, Özcan Gökçe Pages 13 - 22 Abstract | |
3. | Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Explorations Hakan Erpek, Hakan Çevikel, Serhat R. Yardim, Şükrü Boylu, Mehmet Gürel Pages 23 - 28 INTRODUCTION: METHODS: RESULTS: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: |
4. | Gastroduodenal Trichobezoar As A Cause Of Pyloric Obstruction And Endoscopic Treatment Gürkan Yetkin, Ismail Akgün, Abut Kebudi, Adnan Işgör Pages 29 - 31 Abstract | |
5. | Comparison Of The Effects Of lntraperitoneal And Extraperitoneal C02 Insufflation On Perioperative Blood Cases I. Şener Demiroluk, Ziya Salihoğlu, Mefkür Bakan, Öznur Demiroluk, Serpil Çakmakkaya, Pervin Bozkurt Pages 32 - 35 INTRODUCTION: METHODS: RESULTS: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: |
6. | The Results Of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Perfomed ln Patıents Aged 70 And Older Cengiz Erenoglu, Ahmet Öztürk, Haldun Uluutku, Yavuz Kurt, Sezai Demirbaş, Levhi Akın, Tuncay Çelenk Pages 36 - 40 Abstract | |
7. | Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Resection of a Posterior Mediastinal Mass Akif Turna, Volkan Erdoğu, Okan Solak, Ali Kılıçgün, Songül Çuhadaroğlu, Necmi Küçükyağcı, Atilla Gürses Pages 41 - 44 Abstract | |
8. | The Importance of Thoracoscopic Lobectomy in Surgical Therapy of Bronchiectasis Turgut Işıtmangil, Alper Toker, Habil Tunç, Şaban Sebit, Rauf Görür, Oryal Erdik, Irfan Sancaklı, Ömer Y. Öztürk, Kunter Balkanlı Pages 45 - 50 Abstract | |