1. | Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Splenectomy Evaluation of the 27 Patients Umut Barbaros, Aziz Sümer, Nihat Aksakal, Mustafa Tükenmez, Uğur Deveci, Mustafa Sami Bostan, Ahmet Dinççağ, Selçuk Mercan, Demir Budak, Tuğrul Demirel Pages 8 - 13 Laparoscopic splenectomy is the prodecure of choice for elective splenectomy. Splenomegaly and traumatic rupture of spleen may handicap safe mobilization and hilar control using conventional laparoscopic techniques. Under these circumstances hand-assisted LS may offer the same benefits of minimally invasive surgery while allowing safe manipulation and splenic dissection. |
2. | Laparoscopic Gastric Band Applications: Initial Experiences and Complications Neşet Köksal, Ediz Altınlı, Aziz Sümer Pages 14 - 18 Obesity is a chronic disease of which the prevalence is steadily increasing in Asia and in our country due to factors such as a lack of exercise, adoption of western diet, changing lifestyles, environments, or stresses. In the literature, many procedures are described such as vertical banded gastroplasty, laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, gastric sleeve resection, biliopancreatic diversion, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is one of the most used surgical procedures for the treatment of morbid obesity. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and to represent our initial experience with Laparoscopic Gastric Band Applications in the light of the literature. |
3. | Endoscopic Self-expanding esophageal metallic stent placements in inoperable esophageal cancer patients Oğuz Koç, Yavuz Selim Sarı, Hasan Bektaş, Kerim Özakay, Özhan Özcan, Vahit Tunalı Pages 19 - 24 INTRODUCTION: To study the role of self-expandable metallic stents in malignant esophageal strictures in terms of patency, improved dysphagia score, and possible associated complications under the literature view. METHODS: Between 2006 - 2008, obstruction of the esophagus was diagnosed in 27 patients (21 males, 6 females, age range 33–87, mean 64,6 years). In total, 30 ultraflex metal stents were introduced endoscopically under fluoroscopic guidance and sedation anesthesia. Patients with esophagogastric junction (EGJ) malignancy were excluded. Stenting procedure was performed by 5 surgeons having at least 10-year experiency in endoscopy. Stent patency, improved dysphagia score, and possible associated complications were recorded. Follow-up period was between 10- 1100 days. RESULTS: No complications were observed during the procedure in 27 patients. Stenosis due to tumor was located in the middle esophagus in all patients. Dysphagy socores were 4, 3, 2 in 7, 12, 8 patients respectevely. After stenting, disphagy scores dropped to 2, 1 in patients 2, 25 respectevely. These 2 patients whose scores dropping to two had 4 in score before stenting procedure.Two restenting procedure were carried out in the followup period due to migration and no tumoral ingrowth or overgrowth were observed. Mortality occured in their first 8-month period in 24 patients. We have still three patients alive and their oral intake is satisfactory. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Endoscopically introduced stents in patients with unresectable esophagus cancer is a safe and quick procedure if especially performed by experts. Our results are in concordance with the literature knowledge. The greater numbers of centers which is capapble of stenting, the more satisfactory palliation will be carried out. |
4. | Laparoscopic Excision Of An Adrenal Schwannoma.Case Report Umut Barbaros, Aziz Sümer, Mustafa Tükenmez, Gülay Karaman, Ahmet Dinççağ, Selçuk Mercan, Demir Budak Pages 25 - 28 Schwannoma is a benign nerve sheath tumor originating from the normal peripheral nerve. It is rare entity. Herein, we report our experience with the surgical treatment of an adrenal schwannoma case by minimally invasive technique. |
5. | Diagnosis and Treatment in Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding Via Endoscopy Adem Akçakaya, Orhan Veli Özkan Pages 29 - 38 Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is described as acute and chronic bleeding from any foci distal to Treitz ligament in gastrointestinal system. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is common and could be a symptom of a serious clinical problem. Bleeding from colon and rectum generally stops spontaneously without specific treatment. Diverticuli, vascular diseases, malignancies, colites (inflammatory bowel diseases, infectious colitis, non steroid anti inflammatory drug induced colitis) ischemia, anorectal disorders, postpolypectomy bleeding and HIV related problems are the most frequent lower gastrointestinal bleeding causes. The risk of rebleeding is high in diverticulosis. Colonoscopy is the first procedure in management of colonic bleeding after resusitation and hemodynamic stabilization. Today, bleeding focus is detected with modern endoscopic methods. Meanwhile, treatments with injection, thermocoagulation and hemostasis with mechanic equipment could be performed. In the present study, we will both overview the endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment in lower gastrointestinal bleeding currently performed in our country and the world. Besides future applications in endoscopy will be mentioned. |
6. | Laparoscopic Removal of Periadrenal Liposarcoma Mimicking a Primary Adrenal Myelolipoma Case Report Aziz Sümer, Umut Barbaros, Osman Gözkün, Yeşim Erbil, Rıdvan Seven, Alp Bozbora, Ahmet Dinççağ, Selçuk Özarmağan, Selçuk Mercan, Demir Budak, Tuğrul Demirel Pages 39 - 42 Liposarcomas are among the most frequent types of adult sarcomas. Surgery is the best treatment option. We present a case of laparoscopic removal of periadrenal liposarcoma mimicking a primary adrenal myelolipoma. |