E-ISSN 2587-0610
Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgical Science (LESS) - Laparosc Endosc Surg Sci : 7 (2)
Volume: 7  Issue: 2 - 2000
1. A Cheap And Practical Disposable Endobag From The Surgical Gloves
Ahmet Alponat, Anıl Çubukçu, N. Nuri Gönüllü
Pages 61 - 63

2. Trace elements changes after Laparoscopic operations
Ali Uzunköy, Abdurrahim Koçyiğit, Şükrü A Düzgün, Ali Coşkun, Bahattin Canbeyli
Pages 64 - 68

3. Evaluation Of Trocar Site Cell Implantation And Insuflation Of CO2 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
M. Altan Kaya, Süleyman Bozkurt, Faik Çelik
Pages 69 - 73

4. Open cholecystectomy and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the treatment of acute cholecystitis
Ziya Çetinkaya, Osman Doğru, Yavuz S. Ilhan, Nurullah Bülbüller, Mehmet A. Akkuş, Kaya Genç, Feridun Baysal
Pages 74 - 77

5. Complications of Laparascopic Colesistectomy: Mechanism Of Injury and prevention
Ali Coşkun, Ömer F. Akıncı, Mikdat Bozer, Ali Uzunköy, Şükrü Düzgün, Ahmet E. Fakıbaba
Pages 78 - 84

6. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with situs inversus (two cases)
Faruk Aksoy, Bülent Ş. Özer, Ömer Karahan, Hüsnü Alptekin
Pages 85 - 87

7. Can laparoscopic appendectomy be performed with minimal cost?
Güner Öğünç
Pages 88 - 90

8. Laparoscopic Approach To Inguinal Hernia Repair: Our Early Results
Gökhan Adaş, Üzeyir Tuncer, Tamer Karşıdağ, Özgür Odabaş, Sefa Tüzün, Kemal Dolay
Pages 91 - 96

9. Simultaneous Laparoscopic Approach to Asymptomatic Non-Parasitic Liver Cysts With Cholecystitectomy: Two Cases
Okan Erdoğan, Taner Çolak, Ayşe Arduçoğlu, Sezer Gürer, Alper Demirbaş, Mustafa Akaydın
Pages 97 - 100

10. Laparoscopic and open abdominal wall reconstruction using parietex@ meshes. Clinicat results in 2700 hernias.
S. Benchretrit, M. Debaert, B. Detruit, A. Dufilho, D. Gaujoux, J. Lagoutte, M. Lepere, L. Martin Saint Leon, X. Pavis Descurac, E. Rico, J. Sorrention, M. Therin
Pages 101 - 108

11. The Evaluation Of meniscus tears with magnetic rezonance Imaging and' computerized tomography, and comparison with results of arthroscopy
Zafer Orhan, Etel Kayıran, Atilla Parmaksızoğlu, Ahmet Erdemir
Pages 109 - 112

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